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Vladimir I. Korobov

Leading Scientist, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.

Research Interests:

1)Variational methods in the quantum three-body problem;

2)Relativistic and QED effects in few-body systems.

3)Nonrelativistic QED. Resonances and complex coordinate rotation method.

4)Precision spectroscopy of light atoms and molecules. Exotic atoms and molecules.






James F. Babb

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, ITAMP, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. 

Research Interests:

1)Interaction energies at long-range between two atoms, atom-wall and atom-surface interactions.

2)Investigations of hyperfine and electronic structure of the hydrogen molecular ions.

3)Investigations of retardation effects (or Casimir effects) in Rydberg states of helium, helium-like ions and the hydrogen molecule.

4)Applications of atomic and molecular physics for astrophysics, atmospheric physics, cold-atom studies, and lighting science.





Bijaya Kumar Sahoo

Theoretical Physics Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India.

Research Interests:

1)Theory of atomic electric dipole moments (EDMs) arising from parity and time-reversal/CP violation and its role in testing the Standard Model of Particle Physics.Parity non-conservation (PNC) in atomic systems to probe the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics using the relativistic many-body theory.

2)High precision test of atomic many-body theories; Search for new candidates for atomic clocks. Applications of atomic physics to astrophysics.Fine structure constant variation and implications to cosmology.

3)Studies of quantum phase transitions in cold atoms and breached-pair phase in the BEC-BCS crossover.Strong electron correlation effects in heavy atomic systems, molecules, clusters and accurate estimation of atomic properties.

4)Determination of nuclear properties from atomic studies;Isotope shifts and absolute nuclear charge radii.
