2006年以来,共发表文章134篇,其中science 1篇,PRA 55篇,PRL 3篇,PRB 2篇,JPB 10篇,JCP 11篇,CPB 14篇,CPL 12篇,其他期刊 26篇。
1.B. M. Henson , J. A. Ross, K. F. Thomas, C. N. Kuhn, D. K. Shin, S. S. Hodgman, Y. H. Zhang, L.Y. Tang, G. W. F. Drake, A. T. Bondy, A.G.Truscott, and K. G. H. Baldwin, Measurement of a helium tune-out frequency: an independent test of quantum electrodynamics, Science 376, 199-203 (2022)
2.Zhi-Da Bai, Vladimir I. Korobov , Zong-Chao Yan, Ting-Yun Shi, and Zhen-Xiang Zhong *,Precision Spectroscopy of the Pionic Helium-4,Phys.Rev.Lett.128.183001(2022)
3.Fei-Chen Li, Hao-Xue Qiao*, Yong-Bo Tang* , Ting-Yun Shi,Relativistic coupled-cluster calculations of the energies, Landé g factors, radiative transition properties including line strengths, oscillator strengths, and transition rates for Th3+,JQSRT288, 108241(2022)